STUDENT OF THE MONTH: Our 1st assembly of 2022-23 is today at 2:30PM. Join us in person or watch the livestream:
CANCELLATION: Due to poor weather, tonight's Read Under the Lights Night is cancelled.
SPIRIT WEEK UPDATE: We have revised the daily Spirit Week/Homecoming themes.
FOOD SERVICE UPDATE: Titan's e-payment system for adding money to student lunch accounts is not yet available. However, Titan can still be used to apply for free/reduced meals.
Picture Day is coming up on 9/19/22! Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online at
Food Service has issued a letter detailing no-cost meal eligibility, lunch prices for 2022-23, and a new point-of-sale system called Titan that will replace My School Bucks.
BREAKFAST IS FREE for all Arcade Elementary students in 2022-23!
Once again this year, the school is providing all supplies for students to help families and students get 2022-23 off to a great start! See you Sept. 7 for Orientation!
Tune in to the 3-4 Choral Concert tonight at 6:30pm.
Pre-K registration packets are now available in the office! Children must be 4 years old by December first to register.
If you have any questions, please call the office: 716-492-9424.
April Student of the Month assembly (Perseverance) is Friday, 4/29, at 9:30am. Attend in person or watch the livestream at
March's Student of the Month Assembly (resilience) is at 9:30am Friday, 3/25. In-person & also live-streaming at
REMINDER: Friday, March 11, is a 1/2 day for elementary students only.
Our character trait focus for the month of March is resilience. We define resilience as: being able to recover from difficult situations.
Last chance to get your yearbook! Online ordering closes at 11:59 PM, 02/11/2022. Visit to order online.
Get your yearbook now- online ordering ends on 02/11/2022! Visit to order online.
We have a lot of items in lost and found! Please remind your children to check daily.
Tonight is sledding night sponsored by HSA! See you at Arcade Park for some great family fun.
Student of the Month assembly is Monday, 1/31, at 9:30am. We'll be honoring students for leadership. View the livestream at
MASK UPDATE: A stay order on the mask mandate has been granted to the NYS Dept. of Health. More hearings are scheduled for Friday. Therefore, the mask mandate will remain in place at least until those proceedings have been held and a decision rendered.