Tomorrow we will have a Lockdown Drill.
From the Village Office: Church Street will be closed Tuesday, Oct 22 and Wednesday Oct 23 to allow for the installation of replacement sewer laterals from the new sewer main to the property lines. North Street will be open for the full length.
Third Grade goes to Letchworth 10/21
HSA Book Fair begins on 10/21!
Remember: Kindergarten Field Trip is tomorrow 10/18.
From the Village Office:
This week (Oct 14), work will continue on North Street, between Church Street and Douglass Drive; that section of North Street will be closed. Church Street and North Street, east of Church Street, will be open.
Beginning Monday, October 21, work will resume on Church Street with the installation of sewer laterals from the property line to the recently installed sanitary sewer. The street will be open with occasional lane closures.
Weather permitting, the following week (Oct 28) the contractor will begin installing laterals on North Street, west of Church Street. Church Street and North Street east of Church Street, will be open.
Today is our Fire Safety Assembly. Thank you Arcade Fire Department for visiting our school!
Remember: No School on 10/14- Columbus Day
Tomorrow is: School Spirit Day
Tomorrow is: Favorite Sports Team Day
Tomorrow is: Crazy Sock Day
Kindergarten Train Field Trip has been moved from 10/11 to 10/18.
Tomorrow is: Dress as Cowboy/Cowgirl or a farmer day!
From the Village Office:
On Monday (10/7) and Tuesday, Church Street and North Street (in both directions from Church St) will be open. There will be work being done on the manholes on North St to the west of Church St that may require temporary lane closures. On Wednesday (10/9), construction will resume on North St, east of Church St, requiring North St to be closed between Church St and Rt. 98.
On Thursday and Friday, construction will begin on North St to the west of Church St requiring North St to be closed from Church St to West Street.
Spirit Week is Next Week:
Monday- Mismatch Monday
Tuesday- Cowgirl/boy or Farmer Day
Wednesday- Crazy Sock Day
Thursday- Favorite Sports Team Day
Friday- School Spirit Day
From the Village Office: North St from Church St to NYS Route 98 will be closed from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm every day this week until Friday October 4. Church Street and North St from Church St to the west will be open.
Jim Basketball Jones made a trip to Pioneer at Arcade Elementary today. Take a look at his webside:
The installation of the new sewer line on Church Street is expecting to reach the intersection of Church St and North St today. While they install a new manhole at that intersection this afternoon, North Street will be closed from Creekside Lane to Route 98. Emergency vehicles and local residents will be allowed to pass. If all goes well, Church St and North St will be open late this afternoon.
On Friday, the plan is to close North Street from Church Street to Route 98 to begin the installation of a new sewer line on North St. This work is expected to take about one week. Church Street will be open and North Street will be open from Church Street to the west.
Adult & Family Swim starts Nov. 4
There is just one week left to sell for our Clubs Choice Fundraiser! Completed orders along with full payment are due back to school Monday September 30th.