CONCERT DATE CHANGE: The 6th Band/6th Orchestra Concert on Tuesday, 11/8, has been changed to Thursday, 11/10, at 6:30PM, in the HS Aud.
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
date change
Pioneer Middle School's October Wellness Challenge is all about eating a healthy breakfast. Students could win a prize! @pi_one_er
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
SPORTS NOTE: Modified Field Hockey at Wmsv South today has been changed from 5:00 to 5:15PM & is on the turf field, not the grass. @pi_one_er
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
FOOD SERVICE UPDATE: Titan's e-payment system for adding money to student lunch accounts is not yet available. However, Titan can still be used to apply for free/reduced meals.
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
AFTER SCHOOL CLUB REGISTRATION is now open! Please be sure to complete a NEW form for each student every quarter. This link will close on September 11, and activities begin September 19. If you have questions, please call the main office.
over 2 years ago, Principal K Slocum
Click here for the Middle School's After School Program schedule for the first quarter! The form to register will be available online tomorrow, and some clubs will be capped due to space and safety considerations. You will need to complete a registration for EACH STUDENT, EACH QUARTER. Watch our page and remind your child to listen to announcements for updates.
over 2 years ago, Principal K Slocum
Food Service has issued a letter detailing no-cost meal eligibility, lunch prices for 2022-23, and a new point-of-sale system called Titan that will replace My School Bucks.
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
Middle School's September Health & Wellness Challenge is Self-Care. Details on this special calendar:
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
self care
8TH GRADE CELEBRATION is Thursday, June 23, at 5:30PM in the HS aud. If you can't attend in person, watch it on PioneerTV.
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
END OF THE YEAR SCHEDULE: Check here if you missed the flyer sent home about the closing weeks of 2021-22.
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
A note on after school activities: The last day of after school activities will be THURSDAY, JUNE 16TH. Friday, June 17th is a half day for ELEMENTARY students; as a result, there will be no 3:15 busing.
over 2 years ago, Principal K Slocum
Pioneer Middle School's 7/8 Band & orchestra perform at 7 tonight. Attend in person at the HS aud, or watch on PioneerTV:
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
Tuesday, May 24 at 7PM, the 5/6 Orchestra presents their spring concert inside Arcade Elementary auditorium. Attend in-person or watch the livestream on PioneerTV:
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
image of an instrument with a green background and white strings
SPRING BAND CONCERT: 5/6 Band Concert is at 7PM tonight at Arcade Elementary. Attend in person or watch the stream:
over 2 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
Spring band concert
Spring Concert for the MS choirs is tonight at 7pm inside Delevan Elementary. Attend in person or watch on PioneerTV.
almost 3 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
Modified baseball for Friday, 4/8, is postponed & rescheduled for Monday, 4/18 @pi_one_er
almost 3 years ago, Pioneer Panthers
4th Quarter After School Activities! Please read the directions carefully, and respond by 7 pm on Friday, April 1st. We'll get confirmation letters out before and during the break. If you have questions, please contact the Middle School Main Office.
almost 3 years ago, Principal K Slocum
Quarter 4 will be coming up quickly, so it's almost time to sign up for after school clubs and activities! The link will go live on this page by Monday, March 28th (if not sooner!), and you'll have a full week to respond. Please note that we will be making MANY announcements about it in school as well, so encourage your student to listen carefully for further directions!
almost 3 years ago, Principal K Slocum
Next concert is Wednesday, 3/16, at 7pm, in the HS aud, featuring the 7/8 orchestra.
almost 3 years ago, Pioneer Panthers