
On August 27th Pioneer High School senior Jeremy Hibsch and sophomore Adam Romance competed in two State FFA-level contests at the New York State Fair. 

ABOVE: Jeremy and Adam diagnose a small engine.

In the Small Engines contest, Jeremy and Adam both had to identify parts, diagnose issues with a small engine and possible fixes and complete a written exam. This was a two-hour contest that resulted in Jeremy placing 3rd and Adam placing 7th. As a team they placed 3rd overall.

ABOVE: Jeremy completes the Parts ID portion.

In the Diesel Troubleshooting contest Jeremy and Adam performed a series of diagnostic tests on fuel injectors, electronic components, and identified parts of a diesel engine. They also took a written test to finish out the day. Jeremy placed 1st and Adam placed 5th. As a team they placed first overall.  

Congratulations on a successful day!