Dear Arcade Elementary Families,
We are quickly approaching our 100th day of school, and it seems like time is flying! Now that we are just over halfway through our year, I wanted to provide some reminders and updates, and to ask for your assistance.
Important dates:
· Staff and students are off for February break beginning Friday, February 16 and returning Monday, February 26.
· Staff and students are also off for April break beginning Friday, March 29 and returning Tuesday, April 9. This is a change from the original school calendar. April 8 is the total eclipse of the heart, er, sun. We are providing learning activities to students prior to break leading up to this once-in-a-lifetime event, and we will be providing eclipse glasses to students, as will the other three buildings.
· Students in 3rd and 4th grade will take our NYS ELA assessment on April 16 & 17 and the NYS math assessment on April 30 & May 1.
· Our academic day goes until 3:20 p.m. every day. Please do not make it a practice to request dismissal before that; having multiple students leaving daily is disruptive to the learning environment and your child is missing instruction.
· Transportation changes MUST go through the main office and need to be arranged before 2:00 p.m. This allows time to ensure messages can be relayed to the correct staff. Please do not leave messages for teachers on their voicemail, email, or other messaging apps regarding changes; if staff are absent, these messages will not be received.
This May will mark a full year for me at Arcade Elementary, and I’d like to have feedback from parents to help guide me. If you would take a moment to complete this brief survey, I would appreciate it. It is anonymous, but there is a space to note your name if you do want me to contact you. Given that there could be numerous families to contact, please be patient. This survey will close on February 23. The link is and here is the QR code if that is more convenient:
Thank you for your time and for sharing your wonderful children with us!
Kerry Slocum, Principal