An estimated 95 percent of the work on the main foyer of Pioneer High School will be complete by Sept. 1, the Board of Education learned at its August 16 regular meeting.
Nick Titus, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds/Maintenance, said the foyer will be open for students and staff to enter for the start of school. The 2022-23 school year kicks off with an All-Staff Day on Sept. 1.
Currently the emphasis is completing the terrazzo floor in the foyer. Mr Titus said the main part of the floor should be complete, with a small section in the new vestibule delayed because of lack of materials.
He said the coming weeks should see the installation of the entrance marquee as well as video screens. New entry doors for the auditorium are on the schedule, as well as a new greeter's area, helping to improve security measures.
Mr. Titus said work will carry on after the start of school without disruptions to the school day at the high school.
In the district office, heating and ventilation work is complete, except for startup and testing; that is work is scheduled next week. It is anticipated staff can begin moving into the district office toward the end of next week (approximately August 26).
Roof replacement at the high school has gone surprisingly well, Mr. Titus said, and completion is on schedule, depending on the weather.
At the middle school, the Library Media Center was gutted and completely rebuilt, and work currently is focusing on furnishing that space. That includes new bookshelves, which arrived this week. There will be a delay in the installation of some specialized lighting, but it will not impact the availability of the LMC for the start of school.
The other areas of middle school renovations involved the classrooms for Visual Arts and Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS). These are close to being fully reconstructed, Mr. Titus said. He added that HVAC work in the middle school gymnasium is on schedule despite delays in receiving two replacement rooftop units.
One part of the project at Arcade Elementary this summer has been the removal of carpeting in the kindergarten and 1st grade wings as well as the auditorium. This work has involved asbestos removal, which has been completed, and replacement flooring is being installed. Also, HVAC work at Arcade has included the removal of aging equipment and replacing it with more efficient systems.