The Pioneer Athletic Department has awarded its year-end Memorial Awards to members of the Class of 2022.
Read more about each annual award.
Here are the 2022 winners, with a picture and write-up for each:
Brody Hopkins - Winner of the Dwight Dedrick and Mark Carballada Memorial Award
Dan Kirsch - Winner of the Babe Ruth Memorial Award & Randy Davis Memorial
Faith Ruppert-Winner of the Babe Ruth Memorial Award
Jack Buncy - Winner of the Ken Kittleson Memorial Award
Jasiah Jarocinski - Winner of the Andy Volk Memorial Award
Jason Scrivani - Winner of the William Gethicker Memorial Award
Jud Ellis-Winner of the Thomas Rule Memorial Award (Baseball)
Kara Valvo - Winner of the Robert Chaddock Memorial Award
Katelyn Kittleson - Winner of the Thomas Rule Memorial Award (Bowling)
Kristin Morris-Winner of the Robert Chaddock and Ken Kittelson Memorial Awards
Myah Fox-Winner of the Erin Pinter Award and Phyllis M. Johnston Memorial Award
Seth Wright - Winner of the Gary Scherf Memorial Award
Sidnee McElheny - Winner of the Robert Chaddock Memorial Award