Heading into the final quarter of the 2021-22 school year, things are happening all over the Pioneer School District, all designed to bring about better learning outcomes and safer facilities.
Superintendent Benjamin Halsey gave a brief 'big picture' status report to the Board of Education at its April 5 regular meeting.
"As far student programs are concerned, we are running on all cylinders," Mr. Halsey said. "It's as close to normal as we've seen in awhile."
"We have a 2022-23 budget that's almost ready to go, and when we approve it, it's our job to inform the public," he added.
Mr. Halsey said the current capital project is ramping up for the spring and summer, and "these next five months between now and the start of the next school year are critical."
With that, Mr. Halsey said the district will embark on another round of proposed capital improvements, with the vote happening May 17 alongside the budget polling and school board election.
In his report, Mr. Halsey called for a comprehensive assessment of where Pioneer is at with the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic hopefully over. That includes an evaluation of student performance and the best ways to mitigate loss of learning.