Starting Monday, March 21, staff and students who enter Pioneer High School at the main entrance will be redirected to doors numbers 2 and 3 under the canopy on the south side of the courtyard.
Pioneer staff will be able to use their district swipe card to get into the building at entrance door number 3. Entrance 3 is the first set of double doors under the canopy on the south or left side of the courtyard. The doors will have you entering the high school at the corridor near the math wing. Keep in mind that the main foyer will be closed for reconstruction; to get to the north end of the building you will have to go past the main office and behind the stage to your destination.
Parents and students should enter the building at entrance door no. 2. Entrance door no. 2 is the second set of double doors under the canopy on the south or left side of the courtyard. The student entry door will operate as usual with the doorbell and camera system in operation. When you enter the building, you will be greeted by Mrs. Halladay and Mrs. Pierce, who will be set up in the school store throughout the renovation of the front foyer.
The capital construction team will work this weekend to make this transition as seamless as possible. The contractors will install some fencing that will guide district students to the correct entry door while changing card reader location and door access systems.
In case of an emergency there will be an emergency exit through the front foyer.
Successful completion of these projects is a team effort and all of us appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation.