Pioneer School District is considering asking voters to approve a new round of capital improvements worth $28.6 million.
Balloting on the measure could come May 17 during the annual school board election and budget vote. Officials said the project would have a zero impact on property taxes.
The Pioneer Board of Education heard a presentation from Jeff Nunn of architects Gordon Jones Associates, as part of its Jan. 18 regular meeting.
The project is based on building condition surveys conducted by architects and engineers that contract with the school district.
Mr. Nunn explained the proposed improvements by building. The high school projects total $8.8 million; the middle school $2.9 million; Arcade Elementary $2.07 million; and Delevan Elementary $8.7 million. Additionally, the high school agriculture instruction barn would see $215,000 in upgrades.
At the high school, the current renovation of the school auditorium would be completed. Other highlights include enhancements at the athletic stadium, renovation of two art classrooms, a new gas boiler, kitchen and hallway improvements, and toilet room upgrades.
The middle school would see four science classrooms renovated, toilet room improvements, and a new gas boiler.
At Arcade, work would focus on classrooms in the kindergarten and first grade wings. There would also be improvements to the Library Media Center and computer lab.
Delevan would undergo a replacement of its entire heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at a cost of $8.6 million.
Total for the proposal—including the construction estimate, contingency and incidentals—is $28,644,840. Assistant Superintendent Nicholas Silvaroli said the project will have a zero tax impact, and will be paid for with building aid from the state along with $3 million from Pioneer's capital reserve.
The board will further discuss the proposal at upcoming meetings.