Cattaraugus-Allegany Regional Parent Education & Support announces free parenting classes this fall and winter via Zoom.
This year has presented a number of challenges for parents and caregivers. This series was designed to provide a safe and supportive network for everyone.
Join other parents within the region to connect, learn and support one another. All sessions will follow a similar format and structure.
Sessions will be hosted monthly, via Zoom. The beginning of the session (15 minutes) will allow for connection & support. The rest of the session will be focused on education and new learning (40 minutes). Finally, the closing of the session will be designated to sharing resources and Q&A.
The following are the topics, dates and descriptions:
“Go Away, Anxiety!” September 28, 2021 6-7 PM
Anxiety is the #1 mental health diagnosis in youth. Learn what happens in the brain when anxiety takes over. Daily tasks, relationships and learning can become extremely dicult when anxiety is present. Join other parents & caregivers in learning about explicit steps they can take to support children/youth who are struggling with anxiety.
Join us on zoom at:
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for Parents & Caregivers - October 26, 2021 6-7 PM
This session will provide an overview on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and the five SEL competencies. Parents and caregivers will explore the importance of SEL within their child’s education, as well as in the home. Join us to learn some specic SEL strategies and resources that can support students and their wellbeing.
Join us on zoom at:
Resilient Families - November 30, 2021 6-7 PM
This session will provide parents and caregivers with a basic understanding of trauma & the brain, and how both impact development and learning. In addition, we will learn about ‘protective factors’ and how specic strategies can help to build resilience in your child(ren).
Join us on zoom at:
Practicing Wellness: Self-Care for Caregivers - December 14, 2021 6-7 PM
Parenting is hard work, especially so during a pandemic! It is essential that parents and caregivers have the tools they need to maintain wellness through self-care and stress management. Parents & caregivers will connect with one another and learn simple steps that can improve physical, mental & emotional wellbeing.
Join us on zoom at:
Interested? Curious?
Please reach out to Katie Mendell, Community Schools Resource Coordinator, with any questions.
Phone: 716 376 8355 Website