Melissa Nocera-Collins will continue as president, and Edward McCarthy as vice president, as the Pioneer Board of Education held its annual reorganization meeting on July 13.
A newly elected board member, Wendy Warner Regan, was sworn in for a five-year term. She was joined by Angela Wiseman, who took the oath in for a second five-year term.
Mrs. Nocera-Collins has been board president since 2015. Mr. McCarthy has been vice president since 2020.
The board will continue to hold its meetings the first and third Tuesday of each month, starting in September, unless otherwise noted on the district calendar.
Meetings start at 5:30 p.m. in the board room at Pioneer High School. The board has elected to end the streaming of its regular meetings via Zoom.
In other news, Assistant Superintendent Nick Silvaroli reviewed the appropriations received by Pioneer through the federal Coronavirus Response & Supplemental Appropriations Act.