The Pioneer Drama Club will host a live-streamed performance of Clue: On Stage on Saturday, April 17, at 7:00 p.m.
Viewers can purchase a ticket to receive the livestream link for only $7, the cost of a normal ticket. The entire household can watch for one low price.
Following the show, at approximately 8:30 p.m., the members of the cast and crew will be available to do a live question-and-answer session to answer any questions about the characters, the plot, the filming process, or any other burning questions.
For more information about the show or the Q&A session, please email Miss Tomasulo or Miss Cotton. You can also find more information about it on the Pioneer Drama Club Facebook page.
For those not familiar with Clue, here is a brief synopsis: several disguised socialites attend a dinner party at Boddy Manor after receiving a menacing letter from Mr. Boddy himself. After dinner, the guests realize they are being blackmailed and are then gifted with strange weapons (a candlestick, rope, revolver, lead pipe, etc.).
Shortly after, the dinner party quickly takes a downward turn as Mr. Boddy is killed with one of those weapons! Who is the killer? That is what the dinner guests are determined to find out!
Join us for a night of mystery and suspense as the Pioneer Drama Club brings Clue to life (...or should we say, to death)!
Please join us on April 17 to support the Pioneer Drama Club and to find out whodunnit!
Pictured: Aiden Addesa as Wadsworth, Nicholas Tillinghast as Colonel Mustard, Evelyn Steiner as Miss Scarlet, Amber Chapman as Mr. Boddy, Jack Devitt as Professor Plum, Leah Johnson as Mrs. Peacock, Grace Schmidt as Ms. White, Sydney Wilton as Yvette, and Shaylyn Owens as Miss Green. Pictures taken by (and original artwork by) Tristen Owens.