state assessments

The state Board of Regents is proposing shortening the grades 3-8 math and English Language Arts assessments, as well as holding just four high school Regents exams in June, if the U.S. Department of Education does not allow it to cancel the exams altogether. 

The Regents took the action March 15, asking for the waiver from federal law by saying that the exams cannot be held safely and equitable in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

However, the federal government has stated that the state assessments must go on, adding that it would not grant blanket waivers. 

New York is proposing that only four Regents exams be held in June: English, Algebra I, Earth Science and Living Environment. All August Regents exams are cancelled. Additionally, all grade 3-8 assessments would be shortened to one session.

The state would prefer to see a waiver, which would cancel all the assessments and Regents exams. Officials are waiting to hear whether the waiver will be granted.