It figures to be a challenging year for budgeting, and the Pioneer Board of Education got its first look at how that process might play out. for 2021-22.
Assistant superintendent Nicholas Silvaroli presented the budget planning calendar at the board's regular meeting on Nov. 3. He said building administrators and department heads have already received budget development guidelines.
He said those budget requests are due back to him by Dec. 8.
At the district's planned Public Budget Information Forum on Jan. 19, stakeholders can receive information about the spending plan. Currently, board meetings are held via Zoom, so it is uncertain whether the public will be able to attend the January session in person.
Mr. Silvaroli said the governor's 2021-22 state budget is due out shortly after the first of the year, and with budget uncertainty related to the pandemic, state aid cuts for education are anticipated. He said he anticipates being able to share Pioneer's state aid forecast at the Feb. 2 meeting, along with the first departmental budgets.
Further budget categories will be presented in the remaining meetings in February and March. The first draft of the proposed 2021-22 general fund budget could happen at the March 2 regular meeting.
Target date for the board to adopt the final budget is April 20, 2021. May 4 is the planned Budget Hearing and Board of Education candidate presentations, and the statewide budget vote and board of education election is scheduled for May 18.