kids eat free

In light of the continued recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that funding has been extended for schools to continue to serve meals at no cost (breakfast and lunch) through December 31, 2020, or until available funding runs out. 

For Pioneer, this means all students will continue to be served breakfast and lunch daily at no charge.  For students on days where they receive onsite instruction, meals will be provided free-of-charge at each school cafeteria.

For hybrid students on remote instructional days and for students that receive 100 percent remote instruction, a drive-up curbside location has been established at the Pioneer Middle School.


Q: Who is eligible to receive free meals?

A:  All students enrolled in our school district as well as all children in the community under 18 years of age.  

Q: How will students access school meals on their remote learning days?

A: Prepackaged breakfast & lunch meals will be available for pick-up from Pioneer Middle School Curbside Service from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Please follow the signs to the curbside pickup window.

 Q:  Do we still need to fill out a free/reduced lunch application if meals are free to all children?

A:  Yes, all parents/guardians are encouraged to fill out the 2020-2021 application for Free/Reduced meals since funding for this program is temporary and will change according to the USDA administration of this program. Filling out an application now ensures your family, if eligible, will continue to be served meals at no cost upon the expiration this program.

Return completed applications to:

Food Service Department

P.O. Box 579

Yorkshire, NY 14173

Upon expiration of the USDA funding, our status to serve meals at no cost will be closed and free meals will only be served to Pioneer enrolled students who qualify under the USDA income eligibility guidelines.

Please note our district receives financial aid and other state/federal grants based on economic criteria of families eligible for free/reduced meals.

Q: Will milk or snacks be free if my student brings a lunch from home?

A:  No, only a complete reimbursable meal is free. Please refer to the district Food Service Department’s webpage ( for more information.

Q: How do we pay for double meals or al a carte snacks?

A: We encourage you to add funds to student accounts through This eliminates the need for students to carry cash. In addition you may pay with cash or checks with the student’s full name listed in the memo section. Make checks payable to Pioneer School Lunch.

If you have questions regarding free or reduced eligibility for your child(ren)’s meals please contact Cate Pritchard at (716)492-9347  or via e-mail or Cyndi Landis at (716)492-9349 or via e-mail