Under the executive order of New York governor Andrew Cuomo, Pioneer School District will remain in a hard closure through Friday, May 15.
Superintendent Benjamin Halsey said in a call to district residents that while the district remains closed to students and non-essential staff, many functions essential to the education process continue. These include making the facilities ready for eventual reopening, the preparing/distribution/delivery of meals by Food Service & Maintenance Staff, and the preparation/distribution of computers for student use.
Operation Device Freedom was held at Pioneer Middle School April 13, with over 600 devices assigned to students. That was followed by a similar event at Pioneer High School on April 17.
One more drive-by computer event will be held Tuesday, April 21, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the elementary schools in Delevan and Arcade, for grades 3 and 4.
Administrators, teachers and counselors have been collaborating electronically, focused on enabling students to go forth with the learning process. They have been checking in with students with regard to their emotional and educational needs, providing a lifeline and stressing positivity.
Mr. Halsey called on families to continue to be patient and flexible during the quarantine. "We will emerge from this stronger," he said.