Pioneer School District has received the latest results from state-mandated tests for lead in relevant water sources, and is working on a plan to reduce lead exposure.
Nick Titus, Director of Facilities, said the 2024 round of testing occurred during February break. The results:
Arcade Elementary had 35 outlets with lead levels above the 5-parts per billion (ppb) mark
Delevan Elementary had 15 outlets above the action level
Pioneer Middle School had 36
Pioneer High School had seven outlets showing lead above the 5-ppb action level.
The following steps have been taken to reduce lead exposure from drinking water in fixtures that exceeded the 5 ppb Action Level:
If the fixture was a drinking fountain, or a bottle filler, it was turned off.
If the fixture was located in a kitchen, an alternate water source
has been identified to be used for preparing food.
If the fixture was a handwash sink within the classrooms, a not-for-drinking pictogram was posted near the sink.
Multiple bottle fillers have been installed in all buildings and students and staff are encouraged to use bottle fillers to refill their water bottles.
Mr. Titus said the remediation plan has been established to address the outlets that tested above the action level and is posted on the district website. The timetable for remediation of each of the identified sources will depend on the availability of parts, installation, and the process for retesting.
For more information about water quality and sampling for lead, contact the Wyoming County Department of Health at 585-786-8894 or the Cattaraugus County Department of Health at 716-701-3391.