Being a parent in today's world can be a challenging and stressful role. Issues confronted by families and children can be very complex and sometimes solutions seem difficult to find. The social and academic pressures that our children face are often new to us, and very different from our own experiences growing up. We are all aware of the problems that children face outside of school can often affect the way that they function in school. Likewise, problems that students experience in the school setting often have an effect on the family. It is more important than ever for parents and schools to join together and work as a team in finding solutions to the challenges faced by families and children today.
The Pioneer Family Support Center is a partnership between families and the Pioneer Central School District. Our mission is to empower families by helping them recognize and use their strengths to make positive choices and set goals that lead to solutions to life's challenges. We assist families through providing short-term counseling for individuals, couples, and families; linking families with community resources; and encouraging and supporting parents' involvement in their children's education.
Our free of charge and confidential services are provided by licensed mental health professionals, and are available to all families in the Pioneer school district. Hours are by appointment with evening and summer hours available.
For appointment of Information call Angela Mason at 716-492-9485 | Email
Our Kids: Parent Education Groups at Catholic Charities Designed for parents and significant others who want to reduce conflict and parent effectively for their children. Each group consists of three weekly sessions totaling 7.5 hours. (All 7.5 hours may be completed in one session upon special request.) Parents of the same children are placed in different groups, however each group consists of a mix of both custodial and non-custodial parents. Click on link for more information and registration. Completion satisfies the requirements of orders or referrals from Family or Supreme court.
Child Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-342-3720
New York State Office of Children & Family Services
The Pioneer Family Support Center offers free classes to parents and other caregivers. Parenting the Love and Logic Way® , is a six-session parenting program designed by the Love and Logic Institute. Participants learn how to:
Avoid un-winnable power-struggles and arguments
Stay calm when their kids do incredibly upsetting things
Set enforceable limits
Avoid enabling and begin empowering
Help their kids learn from mistakes rather than repeating them
Raise kids who are family members rather than dictators
And much more!
Sheri Bell-Beyer, LCSW and Angela Mason, LCSW, are independent facilitators of Becoming a Love and Logic Parent® , Parenting the Love and Logic Way® , and 9 Essential Skills for the Love and Logic Classroom® curricula. Please check this site or call Angela Mason at 716-492-9485 for dates, times and locations of upcoming classes in the Pioneer school district.
Parenting the Love and Logic Way
Click on the above link for more information and class registration form.
This website is not associated with or sponsored by the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic® is a registered trademark of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic ®was founded by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D., with continued creative and operational direction by Charles Fay, Ph.D. It is based on the experience of a combined total of over 100 years working with and raising kids and is based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching philosophy called Love and Logic ®. For more information about Love and Logic® , please visit their website